

Hellbound (2023)

This was a year-long school project. We got the opportunity to create a game engine.

I have been responsible for the engine architecture since the start of the project. and such I have worked on most engine systems to some degree.

The game has been made for PC and PS5.

I am working on a switch port to learn about optimizing for target hardware ! For this I am responsible for everything, graphics and engine included.

Console ports are not be released! created only for the learning opportunity
Link to itch page

Subratica (2022)

In Subratica you are tasked to escape a submarine, By completing some parkour challenges.

Some of my tasks:

  • Implement UI based on concept visual style made by artists.
  • Improve rope system for attachments. (Create tooling for rope attachment, for designers)
  • Improve the push and pull system. (Fixing various bugs with collision)

    Link to itch page

    fractured-sunrise (GGJ 2020)

    For the GGJ I went to Amsterdam i worked on this fun little game !

    Some of the things I worked on which you can see in the trailer are:

    • Camera and player controller
    • Dialog system

    Link to itch page
    Link to github source

    Rift Drifters (GGJ 2019)

    This year I went to GGJ in Utrecht.
    I got teamed up with people I never met before! and we created this little space explorer.

    Some of the things I worked on which you can see in the trailer are:

  • Dialog system
  • Audio integration with fmod (banks created by other team member)

    Link to download (Global game jam page)
    Link to github source

    Project Life (2017)

    the video shown is of an old project that got me hooked on game development.

    I love the idea of games such as fiveM and Arma roleplay. This was an attempt of me creating something like that.

    It never got or will be finished, but it shows one of the projects that got me started with game development.

    Not available for download